Stories of Krasnûcha

08 06 2023–02 07 2023
21 07 2023–30 09 2023

VM LAB: Educational project

Krasnucha, Krasnūcha, or maybe KrasnuxaOfficially, there is no district by this name. Its name lives in the language of the locals, its boundaries – in the consciousness of Vilnius folk. Not only those, who remember, how it was once called the avenue of the red army, (rus. Prospekt krasnoj armii), but also in the students- the authors of this exhibition and study.

Why do we think that the district is dangerous, frightening and depressing? How much our imaginations are based on personal local experiences, and how many are rumors or stereotypes? What do the locals say? How different are the surroundings, once you get to know them?

Together with students we tried to tame this district. We conducted interviews with the locals- we talked with parents, grandparents, neighbors, teachers and people on the street. We walked around the district, writing entries in our photo diaries, capturing what we see at our feet or once we look up. We looked through old maps of Vilnius, looking for what the streets were once called, trying to figure out not only Krasnucha’s origin, but also other place names.

This exhibition is the journey of Vilnius Jonas Basanavičius gymnasium students to get to know the district, which they visit every day, but do not stay in. For students, this is the first interview, the first acquaintance with research methods and ethics, the first touch with the preparation of exhibitions. For the museum, it is the first joint exhibition with high school students and the beginning of getting to know Krasnucha.

Creative team: 

Roberta Barčaitė, Smiltė Dilytė, Virginija Dudarevičienė, Gabrielė Ginkutė, Miglė Eglė Glebuvienė, Laura Jakeliūnaitė, Austėja Emilija Jakučionytė, Aistė Kishkel, Aleksandra Kašubaitė, Lina Matusevičiūtė, Ugnė Mozūraitė, Liepa Norkutė, Edgaras Ostreika, Austėja Rapkauskaitė, Ignas Ringelevičius, Dominyka Sokolovaitė, Monika Stanevičiūtė, Andrėja Štramaitytė, Evita Točilovaitė, Voruta Tranylė, Mantė Vaičiūtė, Justinas Vekerotas.

Project coordinator: Živilė Miežytė

Architecture and design: Matas Maldutis 

Graphic design: Morta Vileikytė 

Translations: Adrija Burokaitė, Rugilė Nenartavičiūtė, Akvilė Katauskytė – Burokienė.

Editing: Lina Matusevičiūtė (LT), Joseph Everatt (EN)

Special thanks toProject participants, who shared their experiences and memories, Danutė Serapinienė, UAB Grinda, Jurgis Atroškevičius, Povilas Andrius Stepavičius, Vilnius Jonas Basanavičius gymnasium.

The exhibition is part of the Vilnius 700.

Photo by Austėja Emilija Jakučionytė